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- CDP氣候變遷及TCFD揭露
The CDP Score Reports have been a critical reference for the global investors' investment. In 2023, based on the responses to CDP's questionnaires, what FTC received are as follows:
FTC has long been dedicated to implementingenergy saving and carbon reduction plans and managing the strategy and opportunities of climate change. The results show that the recognition for our efforts on climate change and water management. As for the detailed CDP Score Reports, please refer to the following (downloadable) links:
Financial impacts brought by the climate change have been more and more significant; therefore, investors and insurers need much clearer disclosures on climate-related financial information. TCFD was accordingly created. TCFD provides an overall, transparent, and systematic disclosure framework to connect the climate risks with financial reports which helps companies to intensify the requests from international sustainability platforms, regulations from international industry carbon-cutting, and the management of climate change. It allows enterprises to show their responsibilities and insights on climate-related issues and to allocate the capital more effectively for sustainable and low-carbon economy development.
In line with the global trends, FTC disclosed the risks and opportunities resulted from climate change based on the suggestions from TCFD to show the responsibility and strategy and to allocate the capital more reasonably and effectively for the vision of low-carbon economy. As for the detailed TCFD Reports, please refer to the following (downloadable) links: